The 5 Secrets to Hosting an Open House That Leads to Multiple Offers

Open houses are a debatable topic with real estate agents. Some say they aren’t necessary in the age of the internet when options can be narrowed online. Others argue that closing yourself off will limit the number of possible buyers.

What everybody agrees on is that hosting an open house is an art that requires some tricks to pull off successfully. Here are five to try out.

Buying a Solar-Powered Home? Watch Out for These Symptoms of Future Problems

Solar-powered homes are becoming more commonplace, and are an excellent step in the right ecological direction. That said, there are some aspects to consider if you’re thinking about investing in solar energy. Read on for some salient points about living by the sun.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 10, 2016

Other than a release on construction spending, last week’s economic readings were dominated by labor and employment data including ADP Payrolls, Non-Farm Payrolls and National Unemployment. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and new jobless claims were also released.

Planning to Get a Mortgage in 2017? 4 Reasons Why It’s Time to Start Paying Down Other Debts Now

Buying a home is an ideal investment for many people because not only is it a place that belongs to them, it can also be very beneficial financially. While you may be strongly considering buying a home for these reasons, it’s also important to be in good financial health so that your ideal home purchase is within reach. If you’re currently perusing the market for prospects, here are some reasons you should pay down debt before taking the leap into home ownership.

S&P Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slows in July

Home prices dipped slightly in July according to the S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index. Year-over-year, home price growth dipped to 5.00 percent from June’s reading of 5.10 percent. The Pacific Northwest led the nation in home price appreciation. Portland, Oregon had the highest year-over-year home price growth with a rate of 12.40 percent. Seattle, Washington posted year-over-year home price growth of 11.20 percent. Denver, Colorado was third with a year-over-year home price growth rate of 9.40 percent.

Did You Know?: How You Arrange Your Furniture Can Turn Off Potential Buyers. Here’s Why

Most sellers focus on finding the right furniture to stage their home, but they never consider how the placement of that furniture can undo all their hard work. It’s a subconscious thing, but the arrangement of items in the home can really make a difference with buyers.

Bedroom Upgrades: How to Decide Between Hardwood and Carpet for Your Bedrooms

The floor of your bedroom is important – it’s the first thing you touch in the morning, and the last before you go to sleep. Not to mention all the other life moments that go on in there. So take time to consider what you want your bedroom floor to be made of – and read on for pros and cons of carpeting and hardwood floors.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 3, 2016

Last week’s economic releases included reports on new and pending home sales, S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices and regularly scheduled weekly reporting on mortgage rates and weekly jobless claims. Readings on consumer sentiment and confidence were also released.

Home Showing Tips: How to Stress the Positives Without Sounding like a Used Car Salesperson

Selling a home is a difficult enough task as it is, but the longer a home stays on the market the easier it is to fall into the trap of sounding like a used car salesperson and accidentally pushing people away.

Investing in a Vacation Property? Learn What You’ll Need to Have to Get A Mortgage Approved

While a second home can seem like a great purchase and solid investment opportunity, there are different requirements that go into this type of purchase. If you’re considering a vacation home, you may want to be aware of the following financial factors.