Facing a Scorching Hot Housing Market? 3 Reasons You’ll Want a Great Real Estate Agent

For many homeowners who are selling in today’s real estate market, pinching every penny can be important. They may be considering opting out of using a real estate agent and going with the DIY approach. However, there are many things an agent can do for you in a hot market that is worth the money. If you’re wondering how a real estate agent can help you, here are some things to consider.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 26, 2017

Last week’s economic news included readings on sales of new and previously owned homes. Despite expectations of lower sales in both categories, sales surpassed expectations and April sales. Analysts were concerned about extremely tight inventories of available homes limiting home sales and did not expect May home sales to increase.

What Costs Can You Expect When Selling Your Home? Let’s Take a Look

For many people, putting their home up for sale is an exciting time to determine what kind of financial boon they’ll reap. With real estate on the rise, there are plenty of opportunities to see financial gains. Unfortunately, even if you’re selling your home, there are still going to be costs involved before ownership is transferred. If you want to be prepared for what to expect, here are some costs to watch out for.

Family Matters: The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home to a Family Member

It can be a stressful experience to put your home on the market and wait for offers in the hope that you’ve priced it right. However, for those who are considering selling to family members, the sale of a home can be fraught with just as much stress before and after sealing the deal. If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to sell to a family member, here are some things to consider beforehand.

The 10-year Mortgage: Why a Shorter Amortization Period Can Be Your Best Option

From ‘down payment’ to ‘adjustable rate’ to ‘debt-to-income’ ratio, there are so many terms involved in the mortgage process that it can be hard to learn them all and keep them straight. If you’re currently considering the period of loan you should choose, here are some things to think about before taking on a term.

Location, Location, Location: How to Ensure You’re Buying a Home in the Right Community

When investing in a home, one of the most important things is buying a place that you and your family can feel comfortable in. If you’re wondering what you should be looking for in the neighborhood you choose, here are a few things to consider before making an offer on a home.

What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 19, 2017

Last week’s economic reports included readings on inflation, core inflation, and the Federal Reserve’s FOMC statement. The NAHB Housing Market Index, housing starts and building permits issued were also released, along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and new jobless claims.

NAHB Housing Market Index Slips Two Points in June

The National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index for June fell by two points to 67 after a revision of May’s reading. Components of the Housing Market Index were lower for June with builder confidence in current market conditions two points lower at 73; June’s reading for builder confidence in market conditions for the next six months also fell two points to 76. Builder confidence in buyer traffic fell two points to 49. According to the Index, any reading over 50 indicates that more builders are confident than those who are not.

Spring Cleaning: 3 Weekend Cleaning Projects That Will Transform Your Home

The season of spring may be a time for blooming flowers and warmer weather, but it’s also synonymous with the idea of spring-cleaning. Whether you clean out your house every year or you haven’t seen the back of your closets in years, here are a few springtime projects that will instantly change your home – and clean up your life!

3 Classic Credit Mistakes to Avoid If You’re Trying to Secure a Mortgage Loan

The mortgage application process can be fraught with a lot of stress on its own, but if you’ve experienced issues with your credit in the past it can be even more taxing. While there may be a lot of things you may not be aware of when it comes to their impact on your credit, here are some things to watch out for if you’re planning on purchasing a home in the short-term future.